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Installing Arma 3 Mods

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JET TOYS for ARMA III, ver. ALPHA (2019)Requires JETS DLC.The JET TOYS mission control interface provides several fun and immersive ways to control in-flight mission parameters.FEATURESOrbital Livefeed with camera modesThe orbital Livefeed tracks the jet no matter where it goes with vision modes for different situations.Radio Tuner/mission assignmentThis button can be configured to do whatever but in this demo it moves the mission forward. Players can change groups when prompted to complete the next part of the mission or switch to a new flight pattern depending on the situation. It's a 'next page' button.Low Altitude Warning SystemIn case we wander too close to the deck an obvious visual and audio cue will prompt us to correct altitude. This system is configured to start automatically after take-off but can be controlled by the 'WARN' button on the GUI. Be sure to turn it off as part of your landing proceedure.Fire Control SystemYou're the best-of-the-best so you never get shot down. But when the whole sky is full of hot-spitting-death sometimes we take some heat.

When flight surfaces become damaged flying becomes a real chore. Next time your bird starts veering off due to a couple stray rounds (they got lucky) just hit the 'FIRE' button on the GUI to extinguish the fire and return control to those surfaces. This process can take a few seconds so be cautious and any damage more severe than control surfaces will not be repaired.TimeChange the whole operation to nighttime.Cabin LightSo you can read the newspaper on RTB. This gimick does basically nothing but it's also super-friggin'-cool for some reason.Cruise ControlThe Cruise button defines your flight group parameters. Right now it's programmed for a dynamic fly low/high. At low cruise your group will fly 200-500m @ 600 kph. At high cruise your group will fly 3400-5000m @ 700 kph.

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Using this button completely changes the mission.COMMThe communications button on the GUI will toggle between the flight group and the carrier, in case you need to bug out.Abort MissionBecause you ultimately define your own destiny.Emergency TransponderBecause you most certainly have no affect on your own destiny.If you do happen to get shot down (apparently they got super-lucky) make sure to report to Control (TUNE) and engage the Emergency Transponder with 'EMERG'.This feature is WIP and I advise you stand in a decent place for a helicopter to land before you trigger it. (Not yet constrained by selectBestPlaces or isFlatEmpty)AI Auto-pilotThis 'feature' is more of a glitch at the moment. But when the menu is open an 'AI pilot' will take control of your jet and keep it on the straight and level.

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Except when it doesn't. Watch your throttle percent each time you exit the menu in case the AI is trying to fly you into the dirt.INSTALLATIONThis ALPHA build includes a DEMO mission which should be accessed through the EDEN editor.Install to: Arma 3usermissions1CarrierOPS.altisCheck out the ScriptDescription.txt file to find out more about how to use the scripts and GUI in your own missions.The DEMOThe infamous Battlefield 3 Jet demo is super-cool, granted, but it's a pew-pew roller-coaster with a jet theme. There's a lot of work to do so we're going to skip the briefing and the walk across the deck to climb into the aircraft.When the menu opens automatically upon start-up you'll be prompted to press 'TUNE'. Flight checks are finished, the catapult is primed.

All that's left is for you to launch and go.With complete dynamic control what should be a relatively simple set of routine tasks can get frantic, and fast. Launch with Striker-1 and loiter at the stern of the carrier. Can you loiter in formation with Striker-1? Why not send the loiter pattern to 5000 m using the 'CRUISE' button and see what happens?Control will prompt you to investigate radar targets on the coast. Open the menu and hit 'TUNE' to begin the mission. Can you stay in formation with Striker-1 all the way to the coast? Are you going to approach high or low?Investigate the targets with your radar and use effective measure to resolve enemy elements.When prompted complete the hand-off to SATCOMM with 'TUNE'.

Destroy the ground radar targets designated by SATCOMM.When prompted return to normal band (228) with 'TUNE' and track the wounded CAS fighter. Escort the wounded bird back to the airport while watching for bandits.Resume flight-group and defend the airport while the CAS fighter lands. Deal with any remaining enemy forces and either complete a further patrol of the western side of Altis or join the carrier group with 'COMM' for landing.Use the 'ABORT' button on the mission controller to end the scenario at any time. The scenario will also end if you: try to exit the aircraft before take-off, eject and land in water, or successfully board the rescue helicopter.WIPAll scriptsGUI interfaceAI AutopilotThis documentFAQQ: What is this?A: It's a demo mission using a GUI toy for testing and development.Q: Nothing works correctly and this is a total failure.A: That's not even a question but I do appreciate your abrupt and frank attitude so, fair enough. This is an ALPHA build and input about improvement is welcome.Q: How do I use the scripts?A: As you please. See the ScriptDescription.txt file to find out more about how to use the scripts and GUI in your own missions.Q: How do I edit the buttons on the controller?A: The dialog menu is saved in the Description.ext file. There you can edit both button names and functions.Q: Can I watch movies and youtube videos on the mission controller?A: Super-easy!

Good Arma 3 Mods

Barely an inconvenience!Q: Are you the worst script writer ever?A: Undoubtedly.Q: I have a thousand ideas how you can make this better. Where do I send them?A: Message me on BI ARMA III forums, or on NEXUS forums. But I'm trying.Check out SWO Mission Control,THANKS to everybody at:Check out our Patreon page.