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Avery Serial Port Communication

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Hello everyone, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. In today’s tutorial, I am going to share How to do Arduino Serial Communication in detail. Recently, I have shared a lot of tutorial on Arduino Serial Communication which contains everything you need for Arduino Serial Communication. So, in today’s tutorial, I am actually gonna combine them all and give you a whole picture of How you can easily do the Arduino Serial Communication.

  1. Serial Port Communication

Serial Port Communication


I hope you guys are gonna enjoy this. You should also have a look at in which I have controlled the DC Motor via Arduino Serial Communication.I will also share some more tutorials on Arduino Serial Communication in the near future so I will also add their links in today’s tutorial. If you guys have any questions then ask in the comments and we will try our best to resolve your queries. Moreover, most of these codes are testing on Proteus and the simulations are given for download so you can download them from respective link but as a suggestion try to design them on your own. So, let’s get started with How to do Serial Communication: How to do Arduino Serial Communication???. Arduino boards contain Serial Port in it.

If we talk about Arduino UNO then it has the Serial Port at Pin # 0 and Pin # 1 as shown in below figure:. These are the UNO Serial Pins and you can see it has only two pins so which means we can add only one serial device with it. We can use software serial, i am gonna discuss that later. Now Arduino Mega has four Serial Ports on it as shown in below figure:. You can see in the above figure that Arduino Mega has:. Serial: Pin # 0(RX) and Pin # 1(TX). Serial1: Pin # 19(RX1) and Pin # 18(TX1).


Serial2: Pin # 17(RX2) and Pin # 16(TX2). Serial3: Pin # 15(RX3) and Pin # 14(TX3). So, these are pins through which we can do the Arduino Serial Communication. Now let’s have a look at them step by step. Next tutorial, you need to read is in which I have explained How you can read data coming through Serial Port and then displayed it on LCD.

It’s an interesting tutorial and you must read that out. It will help you in understanding How you can receive data through serial port and then use that data. This data could be coming from GPS or GSM or some other serial sensor or device.

For reading data though Serial Port you need to use below command:char data = Serial.read;. You must read the above tutorial to have a strong grip on it.3. How to use Arduino Serial Monitor.

As I have told in the start that Arduino UNO has just one Serial Port so you can only connect one Serial device with Arduino UNO. So, what if you want to do more than one serial device with Arduino UNO then there’s you need to know. So you guys must read this tutorial becuase we have to use it a lot in Arduino Projects.So, that’s all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. I am gonna add more tutorial in it when I post them on our blog. So till next tutorial take care and have fun!!!